Speaking at NCDevCon!

August 24, 2015

I'm speaking at NCDevCon! Twice! I'll be giving my talks “HTML5 201” and “Crash Course in Angular and Ionic”.


“HTLM5 201” is a talk I've given a couple of times at different user groups. It's basically a look at some of the intermediate/advanced level things in HTML5 that now have enough browser support to get used semi-regularly in apps. No we won't cover <section> and <aside> but we'll spend some time looking at SVG, audio, video and a few other goodies.


“Crash Course in Angular and Ionic” is a talk I gave at Into The Box back in May. Luis Majano asked me to try and give an intro to both topics in a 1 hour time slot. Yikes! :) The result of that conversation was this preso. It seemed to go over pretty well at Into The Box, so we're trying it again at NCDevCon. If you know a tiny bit about MVC but haven't used Angular and/or Ionic, this is a quick, semi-high level look at how to start with both of those. We won't get too advanced in either topic, but audience members should have enough info to move forward and start looking at Angular and Ionic more comfortably.


NCDevCon is one of my favorite conferences. It's very affordable, and takes place over a weekend so there's no work schedule issues to deal with. Tickets are still available for the conference – you can register here.


See you there!
