My CF Summit 2024 Schedule

September 28, 2024

The Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2024 is 2 days away! And as usual, there are so many good sessions, it's difficult to decide what to attend. This is my best guess as to where you can find me at the conference...

9:00 - Adobe Keynote, Chason Hecht and Vivek Kumar
10:30 - From Development to Deployment: Load Testing ColdFusion Applications, Dakota Clum
11:20 - Networking Break
11:40 - Integrating Generative AI in your ColdFusion Application, Raymond Camden
12:30 - Lunch
1:30 - Integrating the OpenAI API in Your ColdFusion Applications, Brian Klaas
2:35 - Securing Your ColdFusion Applications with JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Kevin Wright OR Terraform: Building a Safe Space, Louis Conley
3:25 - Networking Break
3:45 - Grassroots ColdFusion Evangelism 101, Mark Takata
4:50 - Panel Discussion - Impact of AI on Web Development
6:30 - Rooftop Party

9:00 - Adobe Keynote, Eric Wong
10:15 - Advanced Cryptography in ColdFusion, Justin Scott
11:05 - Networking Break
11:25 - 20 Ways to Secure ColdFusion Applications, Pete Freitag
12:15 - Lunch
1:15 - Blockchain and Smart Contracts with ColdFusion, Edwin Jonathan OR I'm Just Here For The T-Shirt, Shawn Oden
2:20 - Harnessing Introspective Documentation: Empowering ColdFusion Code to Build Itself, Michael Hayes OR Understanding cflocks: how they work/how they can help or hurt, Charlie Arehart
3:10 - Networking Break
3:30 - SPEAKING: How To Make a Living as a (ColdFusion) Freelancer?, Nolan Erck
4:20 - Closing Keynote, Kishore Balakrishnan

9:00 - ColdFusion Certification Workshop. [LINK:] Come get certified in Adobe ColdFusion!

Tickets are still available! Tell your boss a few days of training is well worth the investment.

See you in Vegas!