My CF Summit East Schedule
April 05, 2023

Greetings from the Chicago Airport! I'm currently waiting on my flight that's been delayed several times. This place becomes even more of a zoo every time I'm here.
Anyway, assuming they find a way to get me to DC before morning (cross your fingers!), I'll be speaking at the CF Summit East tomorrow. As always, there are bunches of great presentations scheduled -- here's where you can likely find me:
9:00 - Adobe ColdFusion Keynote & Opening Remarks, Adobe
10:30 - Alpine.JS Declare and React, Luis Majano
11:30 - Taming The Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Weaknesses, Pete Freitag
1:20 - Exploring APIS: Building Applications with ColdFusion, REST, & GraphQL, Mark Takata
2:20 - Leveraging AI/Cognitive Services via Adobe ColdFusion, Michael Hayes
3:30 - SPEAKING: Web Components In Your CFML Applications, Nolan Erck
Interested in attending? You can still register for the conference here.
Hope to see you there!