My CFCamp 2023 Schedule

June 19, 2023

With so much great content at CFCamp, I'm having a hard time deciding between sessions! This is my best guess as to where you'll be able to find me.

Thursday --

8:45 -- Welcoming remarks
9:00 -- Tech Keynote Lucee
10:20 -- Business Rule Visualization using CFML and HTML - or "What we really need is a flowchart"
11:20 -- Scaling our Lucee powered product business
12:05 -- Lunch!
13:00 -- SPEAKING! Why Testing Is Important And Where Do I Start?
14:00 -- Beyond <cferror>: Keeping on top of your crashes
15:10 -- cbSecurity - Secure all Things!
16:10 -- cbPlaywright — End-to-End Tests with Playwright and TestBox
17:10 -- Massive Task Scaling with Lucee’s Task Event Gateways and Kubernetes
18:30 -- Dinner party

Friday --

10:20 -- What's new in CSS?
11:20 -- Hosting Multi-context Lucee with CommandBox and ModCFML
12:05 -- Lunch
13:00 -- Masa CMS in a modern ecosystem
14:00 -- Technical Documentation - How Can I Write Them Better and Why Should I Care?
15:10 -- Configuring CFML Docker containers through environment variables
16:10 -- SPEAKING! Web Components in Your CFML Application
16:55 -- Closing Remarks

Tickets to the conference are still available! If you're in Europe and doing any sort of CFML development, this really is a great event to attend.  Hope to see you there!