My CFCamp 2024 Schedule

June 12, 2024

CF Camp is this week! Are you going? You should be. :) As usual with this conference, there is a ton of great content, and it's really hard to pick which sessions to attend. Here's where you'll probably be able to find me...

Day 1 --

9:00 - Ortus Solutions Keynote
10:20 - BoxLang: The Future is Dynamic, Brad Wood
11:20 - BoxLang vs the world, Kai Koenig
12:05 - Lunch!
1:00 - Lucee Keynote
2:15 - Make your own form element using Web Components (90 minutes hands-on workshop), Sebastian Zartner
3:55 - Coffe break
4:15 - SPEAKING: Get To Know Alpine.js (90 minutes hands-on workshop), Nolan Erck
6:00 - Dinner

Day 2 --

9:00 - Adobe Keynote
10:20 - SPEAKING: I'm Still Scared of Aspect Oriented Programming!, Nolan Erck
11:20 - Introducing the Page Object Pattern with CodeCeptJS, Emily Meyer
12:05 - Lunch

...the rest of day 2 is really a challenge! Will have to make some game time decisions based on how the rest of the conference shakes out.

Tickets are still available! Hope to see you there!
