My Into The Box 2023 Schedule
May 16, 2023

Into The Box 2023 starts tomorrow! After a flight that included several delay, I finally arrived at the hotel a few minutes ago. As per usual, there is a ton of great content this year; deciding which sessions to attend is like the techie equivalent of Sophie’s Choice! Here’s my best guess as to where you can find me:
Wednesday: Async Programming & Scheduling workshop
9:00 — Keynote
10:00 — Avoiding the most dangerous software weaknesses, Pete Freitag
11:00 — CommandBox Multi-Site, Brad Wood
12:00 — Lunch!
1:00 — Create as many web sites or web apps as you want, George Murphy
2:00 — Faster Apps That Won’t Get Crushed With Queues and Pub/Sub Mechanisms, Brian Klaas
3:00 — When Your Applications Work As a Team: The Microservice Approach, Nathaniel Francis
3:50 — Coffee Break!
4:10 — SPEAKING: Real World ColdBox App Architecture, Nolan Erck
5:10 — QB + Migrations + Seeders : A recipe for success!, Gavin Pickin
6:000 — Happy Box!
9:00 — Keynote
10:00 — What’s New With ColdBox 7, Luis Majano
11:00 — cbq - Jobs and Tasks in the Background, Eric Peterson
12:00 — Lunch!
1:00 — 10 Techniques for writing easy yet stupidly thorough unit tests, Dan Card
2:00 — Practical AI with OpenAI, Grant Copley
2:50 — Coffee Break!
3:10 — SPEAKING: Crash Course in CSS Grid + FlexBox, Nolan Erck
4:10 — cbElasticSearch : Modern Searching for Modern CFML, Jon Clausen
5:00 — Closing Remarks
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the conference!