Speaking at CFCamp 2024
June 06, 2024

Very excited to be speaking at CFCamp again this year!
This year's conference proves to be a busy one for me! First, I'll be giving a 90 minute hands-on deep dive into Alpine.js. If you like jQuery style functionality, but want something more modern and lightweight, Alpine is a great option. Alpine.js also drops into existing web apps the same way jQuery does, so you don't need a separate build process as you would with something like Angular or React. South of Shasta is using Alpine quite a bit in our current project list and we're very happy with it. Come learn with us!
On day 2 I'll be presenting "I'm Still Scared of Aspect Oriented Programming!". This is aimed at developers that are still struggling with things like dependency injection, inversion of control, and what AOP can be used for in real-world situations. Tho the code we'll use is CFML, the concepts will translate to other OOP languages. All of the code demos will be framework agnostic -- you can use any of the techniques in any CFML app, even if you're not using an MVC framework!
Tickets are still available -- you know want to join us! :) Hope to see you there!