Node.js Fundamentals

Node.js lets you take your JavaScript skills and utilize them on the server, just as you would other server-side languages such as PHP, .NET or Ruby. Node.js is free, open source, and works on Windows, Mac, and Linux computers. It's easy to start using for a variety of projects, and is also powerful enough to handle professional grade web applications. Many of the new startup companies are using Node and the MEAN stack as their technology of choice. This course will give you an introductory look into why Node is so popular, and how you can start adding NodeJS development to your skill set. Highlights of this class include:

  • Learning the difference in client-side JavaScript and server-side Node.js.
  • Learning ES6 features in Node.js.
  • Installing Node and NPM.
  • The package.json file.
  • Basics of Node Modules and Packages.
  • Using REPL Commands.
  • Streams and Sockets.
  • Promises.
  • Callbacks.
  • Arrow Functions.
  • Classes.
  • Events and Event Listeners.
  • Debugging Node Applications.
  • Other topics for future learning –, WebSockets, and so on.


  • Experience with HTML and CSS are required.
  • Experience using a modern IDE such as SublimeText, Atom, or Visual Code is required.
  • Knowledge of JavaScript fundamentals is required – variables, functions, loops, arrays, if() statements, and object literals should all be familiar to you before taking this class.

This class will move quickly! It's very important that students have the prerequisites before signing up. There will be a lot of hands-on writing code, lots of time discussing what is happening internally while the Node server is running, and very little time for checking Facebook instead of paying attention. :)

Contact us to book your training!